Personal Protection Planning

How would you and your family cope If you have ever suffered a major medical illness that prevented you from working, or had a family member pass away you know how stressful this can be on you and your family.

Imagine what your family's life would be like if you or your partner died or became seriously ill and couldn't work. Would you be able to survive financially? Can you pay the mortgage and bring up your kids?

Establishing a protection plan for your family and your wealth, is crucial to ensuring your financial plan is successful. Yet it is one of the easiest yet most neglected parts of a good financial plan.

Insurance can provide the money that you or your family need in critical times. It may not take away the pain of losing a job or a loved one, but it will ease the added pain of financial problems.

With so many companies providing seemingly limitless products on the market it is important to understand the fine print and find the right solution for your needs. As your adviser we will ensure you understand what your individual insurance needs are which provider will give you the best outcome in the market.

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